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bioAllers Tree Pollen Allergy Relief 1 fl oz

bioAllers Tree Pollen Allergy Relief 1 fl oz


Regular price $14.29 USD
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Tree Pollen Allergy Relief
- Natural homeopathic medicine for the temporary relief of runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, sneezing, congestion, sinus pressure and headache due to exposure to tree pollens.

Gradual exposure to small doses of specific allergens builds resistance. The body's natural defenses adapt, no longer triggering allergic reactions.

Active: Adrenalinum 6X (Adrenaline), Allium cepa 6X (Red Onion), Arsenicum lodatum 6X (Arsenious Iodide), Euphrasia officinalis 6X (Eyebright), Sabadilla 6X (Cevadilla), Sanguinaria canadensis 6X (Blood Root), Acer negundo 12X (Box Elder), Acer rubrum 12X (Maple), Ailanthus altissima (Tree of Heaven), Alnus rhombifolia 12X (Alder), Betula nigra 12X (Birch), Carya tomentosa 12X (Hickory), Fraxinus americana 12X (Ash), Histaminum 12X (Histamine), Juniperus virginiana 12X (Cedar), Ligustrum 12X (Privet), Liquidamber styraciflua 12X (Sweet Gum), Morus alba 12X (Mulberry), Pinus strobus 12X (Pine), Populus deltoides 12X (Cottonwood), Quercus rubra 12X (Oak), Salix nigra 12X (Willow), Ulmus parvifolia 12X (Elm) Inactive: Purified Water, 20% USP Alcohol

Adults, for acute symptoms, take 15 drops under the tongue every 3-4 hours. For continued allergy relief, take 15 drops under the tongue 3 times daily. Children 2-12 years of age, take 3-5 drops under the tongue 3 times daily.

If symptoms worsen or persist for more than 5 days consult a health care professional. As with any drug, if you are pregnant or nursing a baby, seekthe advice of a health care professional before using this product.

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