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Boericke & Tafel

Allergiemittel AllerAide, Allergy Relief, 40 Tablets, Boericke & Tafel Homeopathic

Allergiemittel AllerAide, Allergy Relief, 40 Tablets, Boericke & Tafel Homeopathic


Regular price $13.29 USD
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Boericke & Tafel Allergiemittel AllerAide

  • For relief of sneezing, itchy eyes, wheezing, nasal congestion, and scratchy throat.
  • Safe and effective.
  • Effective against grass, bush & tree pollen; dust & mold; pet dander.
  • Non drowsy. Non habit-forming.

Uses: For temporary relief of minor allergic symptoms such as sneezing; runny, stuffy, itchy, or tickling nose; red, watery, or itching eyes; scratchy throat; wheezing, or shortness of breath caused by allergies.

Active Ingredients (HPUS):
Cardiospermum 3X (Class N); Galphimia glauca 3X; Luffa operculata 4X. Lactos based tablets.

Suggested Use:
Sublingual medication; place under tongue and let dissolve. Take before exposure to allergen or as soon after symptoms appear as possible, at least 15 minutes before or half an hour after eating, brushing teeth, or drinking anything except water.

Adults & children 12 years and older: 1 tablet every hour until symptoms subside, then 1 tablet 3 times per day until relieved.
Preventative use: Take 4-6 weeks before allergy season starts: 1 tablet 3 times per day.
Children 2 to 12: Half of the adult dose.

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